Demo Snowboard Package

  1. 1 Product Overview
  2. 2 Rate & Location
  3. 3 Review & Reserve
Let our Experts Pick the Best Advanced Snowboard for You!! Our staff will make sure you have the best board for the conditions and your own style. Choose from Batalion, Lib Tech, Rome, Yes and More! (If you want a specific model, please choose it from the previous menu.)  Some Demo Snowboard Models are for sale.  Please call 1-800-619-7470 for details. All snowboard rentals come with bindings, even if you are not renting boots from us.
Demo Snowboard Package 1 Day $58.00
Demo Snowboard Package 2 Days $116.00
Demo Snowboard Package 3 Days $174.00
Demo Snowboard Package 4 Days $174.00 (4th Day Free!)